Zahra Mohebbi, Ph.D.


Director of Communications and Development

Dr Zahra Mohebbi, graduated in Museum Management from Center for Higher Education of Iran Tourism and Heritage Organization. She completed her Master of Arts in History at Dep. of History; the University of Pune in 2006. She earned her PhD in History with focus on Cultural and Heritage Tourism from University of Pune in 2012. She received V.S. Bendre Award for the best PhD thesis of the University of Pune-2012. Her areas of interest are “Tourism Management & Development, Cultural Tourism, Culture & Heritage, Woman Studies, Historical perspectives in Tourism industry, Medical Tourism, and Heritage Tourism”. She has quite number of publications in international indexed and peer reviewed journals and presentations in international conferences. Recently she was invited to contribute as a co- author of a chapter on “Ethnicity of Iran” in the prestigious textbook by the University of Texas; “The International Handbook of the Demography of Race and Ethnicity” which is under press.  Currently, She teaches as an adjunct professor at  Wheeling Jesuit University, Department of Business and Management, Wheeling, WV. In addition to teaching , she served as a member of management board of different cultural events of international world heritage week in Iran. She worked in different cultural heritage and historic sites, and museums under Iran’s Tourism, Heritage and Handcraft Organization. She started collaborating with Center for Iranian Music (CFIM) under College of Fine Arts; Carnegie Mellon University since December 2013, and recently she is invited to serve as the Director of Communications and Development at CFIM.